Uma Forma Humanizada de Suavizar os Impactos Negativos da Demissão


  • Jeuziane Duarte Lamim FASAP


In the current scenario, there are still cases of companies where the mindset persists that people are just numbers, failing to perceive employees as individuals with dreams, aspirations for growth, and full of potential and quality. The devaluation of employees in these companies is evident. As a consequence, this can lead to an increase in layoffs, along with adverse effects on both the institution and the employee. Outplacement, also known as "relocation," emerged with the aim of humanizing the termination processes, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, as this methodology helps minimize the various impacts that may occur during the termination for all social actors involved, whether directly or indirectly. Therefore, the research aims to demonstrate how the implementation of Outplacement assists and promotes humanization in the employee termination processes in companies and is based on the following guiding question: "How can the implementation of Outplacement benefit organizations and their employees?". Outplacement is socially responsible and strategic as it helps employees to be reintegrated into the job market after termination. It is also a matter of ethics and social responsibility because it reduces the negative impacts that the termination of an employee can have on their reentry into the job market. As for the applied methodology, an exploratory research approach was chosen through a literature review, scientific articles, monographs, and books. The article is structured in three sections: the first describes the termination processes through the implementation of Outplacement, the second pertains to the humanization of terminations in the light of Outplacement, and the third discusses how this methodology contributes to mitigating the negative impacts of termination. In conclusion, companies that invest in this tool are concerned about humanizing their processes and fulfilling their social role, giving due recognition to the professional and providing support and development when they are terminated.

Keywords: Relocation; Humanization; Social role; Recognition.


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Revista Científica da Fasap



How to Cite

Duarte Lamim, J. (2025). OUTPLACEMENT : Uma Forma Humanizada de Suavizar os Impactos Negativos da Demissão. Conhecendo Online, 9(1), 20. Retrieved from https://conhecendoonline.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/168



Humanas e Sociais